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YCT 1 Paper-Based Test

DMU Confucius Institute



YCT Test Saturday 3rd Feb 2024



(Registration Deadline: 4 pm Saturday 7 Jan)


Detailed Description

Step 1: Register on http://www.chinesetest.cn/

 Registration Deadline:  4 pm Saturday 7 Jan

·       Please mark down the user name and password as you will need to log onto this webpage in a later stage to print off your test admission ticket and to check your result.

·       Choose “Confucius Institute of De Montfort University” as the test center.

Step 2: Make an online payment via DMU online store.



Step 3: Receive the confirmation information by email around 15 days prior to the test date.

Step 4: Print the YCT admission ticket from the "personal information centre".

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