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UHL Parking Permit - Glenfield and General Hospital

The HLS Placement Team can issue UHL parking permits to HLS students who would like to park at the Leicester General and Glenfield Hospitals during their placement.

You can apply for a parking permit via our online store - https://store.dmu.ac.uk/product-catalogue/faculty-of-health-life-sciences/uhl-parking-permit-glenfield-and-general-hospital 

The Leicester Royal Infirmary (LRI) does not offer student parking permits. Car travel and parking information for the LRI can be found here - http://www.leicestershospitals.nhs.uk/patients/getting-to-hospital/leicester-royal-infirmary/car-travel-and-parking/ 

DMU offers two options for students who would like to park in the main DMU car park to access their placement at the LRI.
1. Students can apply for a monthly pass which allows 24/7 access. More information about these permits can be accessed via the Online Store - https://store.dmu.ac.uk/product-catalogue/estates-department/estates

2. Students who only require a pass for when they undertake night shifts can purchase a permit at a reduced rate. Please email hlsplacements@dmu.ac.uk if you would like to enquire about purchasing this permit. 


Please read the guidance below before applying for a UHL permit:-
• You will need to apply for your permit at least 4 working days before you collect it as we need time to process your request.
• You can collect your permit from the HLS Placement Team, Edith Murphy House, Room 1.23. We are open 8.45 am – 4.00 pm, Monday-Friday. We cannot issue your permit without seeing your student ID.
• UHL Permits cost £5 for 30 days and they are available for a maximum of 120 days. You can only purchase a permit for up to 30 days (£5), up to 60 days (£10), up to 90 days (£15) or up to 120 days (£20). The pricing is set by the hospitals and cannot be changed.
• Please contact the parking office at the hospital to check which car park you can use. Your placement setting may also be able to offer you advice on this.
• You have 5 working days to return your permit after your end date has passed. Failure to return your permit within this timeframe will result in a £10.00 late fee and you will be expected to pay for the extra time you held the pass for e.g. if your pass arrives 30 days late you will be expected to pay the £10.00 late fee and an extra £5 for holding the pass for another 30 days.
• We will not issue permits to students that have outstanding fines. You can pay a fine via the online store.
• Please be aware that if you misplace your permit, the NHS will charge us for its replacement. As a result, you will be required to pay a fine of £10.00 plus an additional £5.00 for every 30 days until the HLS Placement Team has been informed and the lost fine has been paid.
• The permits are not transferrable to other cars. Your car registration details will be logged and you risk being issued a fine if you transfer your pass over to another vehicle. Please let us know if your details change at any point so we can update our records.
• Please ensure that your pass is clearly displayed on your windscreen. Failure to display a pass will result in a fine.
• Please adhere to all of the hospital’s terms and conditions for using the car parks. We will not reimburse fines which have been issued due to you not following these correctly

UHL Parking Permit - Glenfield and General Hospital

Car Parking Permit - Up to 30 days

Car Parking Permit - Up to 30 days



Car Parking Permit for up to 30 days
This includes weekends
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Car Parking Permit - Up to 60 days

Car Parking Permit - Up to 60 days



Car Parking Permit for up to 60 days
This includes weekends
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Car Parking Permit - Up to 90 days

Car Parking Permit - Up to 90 days



Car Parking Permit for up to 90 days
This includes weekends
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Car Parking Permit - Up to 120 days

Car Parking Permit - Up to 120 days



Car Parking Permit for up to 120 days
This includes weekends
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Fine payment for late return or loss of UHL permit

Fine payment for late return or loss of UHL permit

Amount (£)


Fine payment for late return or loss of UHL permit
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