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Staff Car Parking Permit 2024/2025

Staff Car Parking Permit 2024/2025


Payment for your Non-DMU Hub car park permit application.

If you wish to buy multiple months, please add the desired quantity to your basket. You will then be issued a permit for the total duration of your purchase.

The permit year runs from 1 September to 31 August.

DMU parking charges are determined by tier's, as associated with applicants' grades / spinal points:

  • Tier 1: Staff with an annual gross salary up to the top of Grade D. £120 per annum (£10/month).

  • Tier 2: Staff with an annual gross salary above the top of Grade D up to the top of Grade G. £240 per annum (£20/month).

  • Tier 3: Staff with an annual gross salary above the top of Grade G up to spinal point 51. £360 per annum (£30/month).

  • Tier 4: Staff with an annual gross salary above spinal point 51. £480 per annum (£40/month)
Staff working part-time will be placed into the Tier that matches their annual gross salary plus any additional or regular payments as outlined above i.e., annual gross pay

Please reference the Vehicle Parking and Cycle Policy as necessary.

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Student Car Parking

Contractor Car Parking Monthly Permit 24/25



Each permit covers one calendar month. If bought midway through a month, the permit will expire on the final day of that month.

Your purchase will entitle you to park in all university car parks. If you wish to buy multiple months, please add the desired quantity to your basket. You will then be issued a permit for the total duration of your purchase.

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Match Day Permit

Match Day Permit 01/03/2025 - 31/08/2025



Payment for your Match Day Permit application.

By proceeding with this payment, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
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Match Day Permit

Match Day Permit 01/11/2024 - 31/08/2025



Payment for your Match Day Permit application.

By proceeding with this payment, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
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Payment for lost car park permit



Payment of lost car park permit.
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Student Car Parking

Student Car Parking (April 2025)



Your purchase will entitle you to park in all university car parks with exception of: The visitor car park, Trinity House, Bede Hall of Residence and Beaumont Park. Please do not apply if you live within the campus exclusion zone.

Your student access card will be updated accordingly.
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Student Car Parking

Student Car Parking (August 2025)



Your purchase will entitle you to park in all university car parks with exception of: The visitor car park, Trinity House, Bede Hall of Residence and Beaumont Park. Please do not apply if you live within the campus exclusion zone.

Your student access card will be updated accordingly.
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Student Car Parking

Student Car Parking (July 2025)



Your purchase will entitle you to park in all university car parks with exception of: The visitor car park, Trinity House, Bede Hall of Residence and Beaumont Park. Please do not apply if you live within the campus exclusion zone.

Your student access card will be updated accordingly.
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Student Car Parking

Student Car Parking (June 2025)



Your purchase will entitle you to park in all university car parks with exception of: The visitor car park, Trinity House, Bede Hall of Residence and Beaumont Park. Please do not apply if you live within the campus exclusion zone.

Your student access card will be updated accordingly.
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Student Car Parking

Student Car Parking (March 2025)



Your purchase will entitle you to park in all university car parks with exception of: The visitor car park, Trinity House, Bede Hall of Residence and Beaumont Park. Please do not apply if you live within the campus exclusion zone.

Your student access card will be updated accordingly.
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Student Car Parking

Student Car Parking (May 2025)



Your purchase will entitle you to park in all university car parks with exception of: The visitor car park, Trinity House, Bede Hall of Residence and Beaumont Park. Please do not apply if you live within the campus exclusion zone.

Your student access card will be updated accordingly.
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