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The Photographer’s Assistants

The Photographer’s Assistants


PHRC 2024 The Photographer’s Assistants - Conference Registration

PHRC 2024 speakers will consider the role and agency of human and non-human assistants in the making, collecting and dissemination of photographs. Papers from diverse methodological perspectives will not only enlarge the notion of the photographic assistant, but also consider the role of those assistants (or that assistance) in the formation of photographic practices, images, archives and histories.



Students, unwaged and DMU staff/ Conference Speakers, 2 days (in person)


Standard Day Ticket, 1 day (in person)


Students, unwaged and DMU staff/ Conference Speakers, 1 day (in person)


Standard Ticket, 2 days (in person)


Online Attendance External (1 or both days)


Conference Dinner


Online Attendance Students, unwaged and DMU staff/ Conference Speakers (1 or both days)


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