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AV Loans Payments

AV Loans Camera

Amount (£)


To be used to make payment for debts accrued using DMU AV Loans service at https://avloans.dmu.ac.uk/.

These include; overdue, loss of, or damage to, loan equipment.


Detailed Description

Before payment please confirm how much is owed by contacting the DMU AV Loans either;




  • Or Tel: +44 (0) 116 2577460.


To make a payment to DMU AV Loans, please enter the amount you wish to pay and click 'Add to Basket'. Checkout and follow the on-screen prompts, an account on the Online Store will need to be created to complete the transaction.


Parts of this process are currently not automated so please allow up to 3 working days for payments to be received and accounts re-instated.


Debts of over £50 will result in restricted access to other University services.


For any further information get in touch via the methods above.

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