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Student Car Parking (May 2025)

Student Car Parking



Your purchase will entitle you to park in all university car parks with exception of: The visitor car park, Trinity House, Bede Hall of Residence and Beaumont Park. Please do not apply if you live within the campus exclusion zone.

Your student access card will be updated accordingly.


Detailed Description

Pricing and availability:

£50.00 per month (£12.50 per week). Payment is applicable for full months only if purchasing partway through the month.


Terms and conditions:

This offer is subject to the following pricing and Terms and Conditions outlined below. Questions or queries may be addressed estateshelpdesk@dmu.ac.uk.

  • Students must comply with the university's Vehicle Parking & Cycle Policy.
  • Students must not live within the Campus Exclusion Zone, a list of excluded Post Codes can be found here. This list is not exhaustive and those living within a close proximity of campus will have their application rejected.
  • Applications will be checked for Campus Exclusion, prior to approval.
  • Should your application be rejected, due to your Term Time address being within the Campus Exclusion Zone then you will be issued a full refund.
  • Permits are issued on a first come, first served basis.
  • Permits will be restricted to one vehicle registration.
  • Availability will be limited, and once sold out further permits may not be available.
  • Permits must be collected from the Estates Services Building Reception, once approval of your application has been authorised (you will be informed to collect).
  • Notice may be given to withdraw student permits (not Disabled or Assessed Needs) at any time and for any reason entirely at the discretion of the university. Should notice be given, permits will expire at the end of the month in which notice is served, with a full refund for future months provided via the DMU Store.
  • Vehicles can not be parked for longer than 48 hours. Enforcement notices may be placed on vehicles left longer than this period.  
  • The university will not be liable or responsible for the vehicles left in its car parks.
  • If a student is in breach of the Vehicle Parking & Cycle Policy and / or these Terms and Conditions then enforcement action may be taken.

Availability of car parks:

 Car Park Post Code
Bede House LE2 7EJ
Bede Island (Leicester Media School) LE2 7EW
Chantry Building LE2 7BY
Clephan Building LE1 5XY
Edith Murphy House LE1 5RR
Gateway House LE2 7DP
Heritage House LE1 5RR
Innovation Centre LE1 5XY
John Whitehead Building LE2 7BY
Main Car Park LE2 7DP
Portland Building LE2 7GZ
The Venue@DMU LE2 7BY
The Watershed LE2 7AU

Electric vehicle charging:

The university has x 4 electric vehicle charging points in the Bede House Car Park. To register for the use of this system please email sustainability@dmu.ac.uk. Our system provider is Pod Point.

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